Tolkien-sorta-Friday: Dwarves – what even?

It’s been a month since my last post. I figured a bit of break from writing was due, and now I’m back at work after nearly three months of long service leave and… well, I’m probably going to be writing even more in my day job than ever before, so that’s going to make writing in my own time a little bit tougher.

I’ll try, but… if things are quiet, that’s why.


I posted one of my #TolkienFriday* rants a little while back, and that’s something I do pretty regularly on Twitter, and I want to make more of an easily accessible record of them, so I’m gonna post each one here.

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#TolkienFriday – What happened to the Entwives?

So a couple of weeks ago I had bit of a rant on Twitter. I’d discovered that in the PC game Middle Earth, Shadow of War, that Shelob gets a… Jesus, it hurts just writing this.

A sexy makeover.

Thus, a rant. But it was a popular rant, so I’ve since started asking for questions around lunchtime each Friday, and then going on a long, twisty and somewhat irreverent discussion on topics that have gone from “Who is the Witch King” to “Tom Bombadil – WTF?” I enjoy them, people seem to like them, and so I think they’re worth recording for posterity.

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